Reasons to buy quality organic grains from OFARM:
Helps reduce costs of grain procurement through network marketing
Provides customized grain supplies to meet your needs
Minimizes variations in grain quality
Develops long-term contracts for stability
Identity preserves shipments from farmers
Timely delivery in the necessary quantity and quality
Reduces the impact of weather through wide geographic coordination
Gives you the advantage of dealing with single or multiple sources of grain
OFARM member producers:
Meet strict certification standards
Use sustainable organic farming practices
Maintain quality
Care for the land and communities where they live
Are leaders in the industry and their communities
Making Things Easy
Imagine picking up the telephone and making a single call to source a supply for your organic grain needs. A call to one of the largest organic groups in North America, with a decade of experience putting together large blocks of the highest quality organic grains, with the absolute minimum supply variability.
We are OFARM, the Organic Farmers' Agency for Relationship Marketing.
To source organic grain to meet your needs, contact one of our member organizations today.