Merle Kramer, Midwest Organic Farmers Coop general manager wrote the following press release which appeared on in the news for Indiana and Illinois It sums up the current state of affairs in organic where reports are that as much as 50-60% of organic grain is imported.
In order for more acres to transition into organic production farmers need to keep in mind that
orderly group marketing and a strategic marketing plan for their farm will be key to keeping
organic grain prices profitable. OFARM member organization marketers can help you do that.
More Organic Farmers, Please
Indiana Ag Connection - 03/06/2015
Eastern Illinois-based Midwest Organic Farmers Cooperative (MOFC) is experiencing a severe shortage of organic acres in eastern Illinois and western Indiana for the organic soybean and corn markets.
Merle Kramer, 22-year organic grain veteran and marketing director for MOFC, Sibley, Ill., says that MOFC has a good market for an extra 200,000 bushels of organic soybeans and 500,000 to 1,000,000 plus bushels of organic corn to satisfy just two customers alone. Demand for organic grain crops is growing at double digit rates nationwide.
Kramer says that since the economic downturn in 2009 and its subsequent recovery, more and more consumers are interested in knowing where their food is coming from and wanting to support farming systems that are environmentally friendly, humane to animals and fair to people.
"More people from younger generations are getting involved in organic and local agriculture, many with small scale produce and retail food businesses they can afford to buy into," he notes.
Kramer goes onto say that "the grain and meat side of organic agriculture is looking for younger farmers who have that drive and entrepreneurial spirit and are in-search of new challenges." Kramer puts it this way "Organic offers them opportunities to see how well they can do both financially and personally off fewer acres, be more in-control by having access to more options and markets that organic and sustainable agriculture provide."
The future is going to be bright for those willing to make the transition to organic agriculture, as there is a growing awareness in the value of wholesome nutritious food for long term good health. A healthy lifestyle including good food translates into less chronic illness in our society and a more prosperous America from a heathy food culture.
For more information contact Kramer at 734-429-9110 or email at
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